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A Homage to Kitchen Klutzes

A Homage to Kitchen Klutzes for National Kitchen Klutzes Day.

National Kitchen Klutzes Day

This Saturday, June 13, is National Kitchen Klutzes Day. It’s a celebration dedicated to everyone who has ever been a klutz in the kitchen. Saturday, we embrace home cooks who may have dropped a dish, cut a finger or burned a creation beyond recognition. June 13 is your day. It’s a day to acknowledge that you may not be the next Julia Child or Bobby Flay. It’s a day to remind you that it’s okay to be clumsy in the kitchen. And don’t worry, you are not alone.

15% of Americans agree that they are “not very good when it comes to cooking, often messing things up or having other mishaps.”

Celebrate the day by being your klutziest in the kitchen and embrace your inner klutz. Spend some time reviewing safety techniques or curate your kitchen drawers and eliminate those items whose functional purpose you have no clue about. Visit the Burnt Food Museum to find kindred spirits. Go to and watch an episode or two of Worst Cooks in America.

The Clumsy Gourmet says it’s ok to be Clumsy and Klutzy in the kitchen as it has nothing to do with how delicious your food tastes. Messy kitchens indicate the level of creativity of the cook. Make a mess! it’s ok.

The Clumsy Gourmet

Want to know the best way to celebrate National Kitchen Klutzes Day?

Order takeout from one of your favorite eateries in Denver.

We know that you don’t have to be a skilled cook to enjoy a beautiful kitchen. If you would like to discuss how we can create a dream space, klutz free give us a call at (303) 300-4400 in Denver or (303) 688-8279  in Castle Rock or contact us here to make a virtual or face-to-face appointment at either of our showrooms.

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