Many homeowners in Colorado Springs & Denver remember when toilet tissue was in short supply during the spring of 2020. That time provided the perfect opportunity for our showroom to introduce homeowners to the most underappreciated fixture for the bath – the bidet. What has been a more than pleasant surprise is that bidets continue to grow in popularity and appreciation post pandemic and now are an often welcomed and requested feature for primary and secondary baths.
Bidets have a long history of popularity in Europe and Asia, but only recently have more and more Americans, including homeowners become interested and for many good reasons. The upside is virtually unlimited. Today, approximately 6% of American homes feature a bidet, however 41% of American are interested in installing one in their homes, according to a YouGov poll. Bidets have become more prevalent in hotels and can even be found in some highway rest stops.
As foreign a concept of a bidet may be to many homeowners in Arvada, Castle Rock, Colorado Springs, and Denver, we have found that once a bidet is installed, users become evangelists, extolling their benefits to anyone within earshot and often asking our showroom to provide bidets to family members and friends as gifts for holidays, birthdays, and anniversaries.
We are not surprised at the reaction of homeowners to bidets. Bidets provide a superior level of hygiene and cleanliness compared to traditional toilet tissue, thereby reducing the risk of infections, irritation, and discomfort.
Bidets are also welcome additions to homeowners in Colorado that want to age in place in their homes gracefully and with dignity. It makes it easier for family members whose mobility and flexibility may be declining or limited.
Bidets are environmentally friendly as well. They reduce and can eliminate the need for toilet tissue and the amount of waste sent to a landfill.
Bidets are also budget friendly. Bidet seats attached to an existing toilet are cost-effective. Plus, using a bidet eliminates the expense of purchasing toilet tissue. Our experience is that bidets are extremely reliable and only require a minimal amount of maintenance.
Aesthetically, bidets can complement any bath design, offering a touch of elegance and sophistication to a bath.
If space is a challenge in a bath, there is no need to worry. Bidet seats attached to an existing toilet provide all the benefits without having to install a separate fixture.
Specifying a bidet seat or a stand-alone fixture for your bath offers many advantages ranging from increased hygiene and sustainability to comfort and convenience. To learn how easy it is to install a bidet in your baths, give us a call at any of our four Front Range showrooms or make an appointment to visit.