Popular media and industry publications record ongoing evaluations of the return on investment of a kitchen and bathroom remodel. Recent reports found that homeowners in Arvada, Castle Rock, Colorado Springs, and Denver can expect to recoup 54% to 71% of the cost of a kitchen remodel when they sell their homes. Homeowners could expect to recoup 54% to 63% of the cost of a bathroom remodel.
There’s another factor that is not readily apparent. Homes with renovated kitchens and baths tend to sell faster than those that need updating. Many buyers in Colorado don’t want to go through the stresses and hassles generally associated with renovating their new home purchases.
While obtaining a meaningful return on investment is a driving factor for homeowners in determining whether to remodel, looking at numbers alone does not tell the entire story or represent the entire return received. The kitchen and primary bath are the two most important rooms in a home. The kitchen is the place where family becomes family, cooks can become chefs and friendships are celebrated. There are long-term financial benefits to improving one’s home, but that’s not the primary reason most homeowners in Colorado Springs and Denver decide to remodel. New kitchens and baths improve the lives of family members. Most homeowners agree that having a few minutes every day all to themselves devoid of tweets, texts and little feet delivers a better ROI than a 70% return on the cost of a remodel.
How can a new kitchen or bath not only increase the value of your home, but also enhance the quality of life for you and your family? Give us a call at any of our four Front Range showrooms or make an appointment to visit and let us show you how you can create a kitchen and bath that are the envy of the neighborhood.